Kindred Sessions #3: Abortion, Politics, and Real Life.
RevDocs #3
Abortion, Politics, and Real Life.
We didn’t plan on spending time thinking through the topic of abortion. But this election has brought about some of the toughest conversations I (Liz) have had in a long time. Really challenging and good conversations with people I love and respect.
I know there are so many different reasons to land on the “sides” of Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. I really respect and value both perspectives, and I think they have more in common than what it might feel like.
Let’s start by differentiating between “pro-abortion” and Pro-Choice. No matter where you lie on the spectrum of Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, you are probably not pro-abortion. Let’s keep that in mind, nobody wants people to have to be in the position where they ultimately have to make this type of decision. No one is excited about unborn babies dying. Both sides have the goal of eliminating the need for abortion. Same truth: abortion is not the goal, in more ways than one. But our primarily two party system has different ways of approaching that truth. Different nuances are emphasized. To the pro-lifers, I would say focusing on the pro-choicers as the enemy is not helpful, and visa versa. There are probably few other areas that we would say “choice” is the enemy, or that “life” is the enemy. I think sometimes focusing on the enemy distracts us from the power that is found in bringing different perspectives together to accomplish a shared goal.
Could you imagine if these sides worked together to create reform that supported the root of the issues vs the symptom? The symptom being, having an abortion. The root - well there is a whole lot of roots actually, more than we could list because everyone has their own unique set of circumstances. And who am I to over simplify that?
In our Episode 3 Kindred Sessions podcast, we talked about the idea of a single issue voter. While I personally would not recommend applying this philosophy to voting, I understand why this particular issue has a lot of Christians voting based off of their beliefs around abortion. For me, it was helpful to understand Kristine’s thought on how the presidential race would actually have an affect on this issue. I hope that it helps people who feel like they are locked in to a particular candidate or party based on that candidate’s platform on abortion. Here is the clip:
This conversation between Mike and Kristine spurred on an idea to interview a Christian couple who had previously wrestled with the idea of abortion for a medical reason. I hope that before anyone starts jumping to political conclusions after they hear this story, that we could all just stop and appreciate this couple’s experience. For some, this testimony could be fuel for either side of the spectrum. It brings up points that make me both thankful that we have certain restrictions in our state and also frustrated with the narrow-minded way abortion is portrayed in the political and religious sphere. What I hope is that this story is a small moment that could inch both sides a little closer and unify them in compassion for the people who have been at crossroads such as these.
Interview with the Lasters:
A little note: I want to address the stigmatism for women who have had an abortion or who have considered it. There are ones I know, and who I call my friends. I have more compassion now than ever. I wish I could have given you a warm hug as you went through postpartum, or while you went through the hormonal chaos, or while you told your friends and family and were maybe met with shame. I wish I could have heard more of your story and been there for you. I still am now if you ever wanted to share. I hope that this blog and corresponding podcast is one small point that loosens the stigma that follows you.
With much love,