Our Core Beliefs
What a church believes and teaches sets the foundation for how the church lives.
This is what we at Kindred Church believe and teach and live.
We believe in...
…the triune God of love…
God has revealed himself to humanity as a God of love—God is love. The mind-blowing mystery is that our singular God exists in an eternal and interdependent loving relationship—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created the cosmos out of love and invites us to share in it.
…redeeming the cosmos…
The world has been held captive by destructive and evil forces, outside and inside of us, corrupting God’s good creation. Yet the God of love has entered into creation through Jesus of Nazareth. Through his death, resurrection, ascension, and Spirit he is healing the world and inviting us to participate.
…with the global church…
Those who trust in Jesus and follow his way form the church, God’s special community, which transcends all human boundary markers. The global church is united by one Lord, one faith, one baptism. Kindred Church is a tiny branch in the majestic and historic Christian tree, participating in God’s redemptive movement alongside diverse Christians across the ages.
…and sacred scripture…
God inspired numerous authors and editors over the span of centuries to produce the beautifully complex Bible, which reveals God and begins the story of his redemptive movement in history. God works through scripture unlike any other collection of books and we are transformed through it.
…inviting us to explore the depths of the divine...
We are in the continual process of theology. The diversity of interpretation throughout church history humbles us, and we seek to foster discussion and loving disagreement on our collective journey of understanding God in deeper ways.
…and to practice our faith together...
Our beliefs are not just propositions we affirm. What we believe is ultimately expressed in how we love others and reflect God’s goodness to the world.
...until the return of Christ.
We find ourselves in the interval between Christ’s first and second arrivals on earth. When he returns, he will bring God’s justice, resurrect the cosmos—including us—and initiate unending peace for people from every culture and language.
To sum it up—
We believe in the triune God of love redeeming the cosmos with the global church and sacred scripture, inviting us to explore the depths of the divine and to practice our faith together until the return of Christ.